Hello, I’m Ade Putri.
Data Analyst

a Data Analyst who has a passion for solving the business problem by implementing statistical analytics and Machine Learning if needed.

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Highli-driven Data Analyst with two years of experience in utilizing data-driven methodologies to drive business growth and improve. Successfully delivered the data analysis, ad-hoc analysis and dashboard for clients to maximize their decision making by providing them with the information they needed from the raw data that was provided. Experienced as a mentor for data science and software engineering assistant.

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Superstore Dashboard

This dashboard helps to understand store sales, category insights, regional trends, time series analysis, treemaps for a holistic view, segment analysis, and a compelling exploration of the sales-profit relationship.

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Superstore Dashboard


August 2021 - Present
Data Scientist
eBdesk Teknologi, Selangor Malaysia

• Collaborated with Data Engineer and Business Intelligence to maintain data quality and ensure resources were aligned with our needs.
• Preprocessing raw data for further analysis and data visualization using Python.
• Generated dashboard and data visualization using Tableau and QGIS.
• Query data (e-commerce, property, job listings, etc.) using elastic search.
• Generated ad-hoc analysis of client's product based on the discussion results with the Business Intelligence team.
• Generated network analysis to identify patterns and trends between entities using gephi tools.
• Created building counting from google maps images script using open-cv.
• Sentiment Analysis Research using LSTM Algorithm with Pytorch.

Tools :
Python, Jupyter Notebook, Tableau, Elastic Search, SQL, QGIS, R Programming Language, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pythorch, Pyspark, Data Analytics, Microsoft Excel

September 2023 - Present
Data Scientist Mentor (Part Time)
Sadasa Academy, Yogyakarta Indonesia

• Held express class related to Python, Machine Learning and Tableau.
• Generated video transcript for their Video On Demand product.
• Held QnA sessions and mentoring students about Python, Machine Learning, Tableau related topics.

Tools :
Python, Tableau, Scikit-learn, Microsoft word, Zoom

August 2021 - November 2021
Data Scientist Mentor
Schoters, Jakarta Indonesia

• Created weekly materials for students about basic mathematic and python for data science.
• Conducted weekly test for students to measure their progress in learning.
• Held QnA sessions and mentoring students about data science related topics.
• Successfully assisted students accomplished their final project of preprocessing data, applying machine learning (naïve bayes) for sentiment analysis, visualized it.

Tools :
Python, Scikit-learn, Tweepy, Visual Studio Code, Zoom

January 2020 - March 2020
Data Entry Assistant
Central Bureau of Statistics, Lumajang Indonesia

•Prepare population census data, resident tax data, population occupation data, population property data, data on businesses owned by residents, resident vehicle tax data, resident land tax data, and other documents using Microsoft Excel.
•Update population census data, resident tax data, population occupation data, population property data, data on businesses owned by residents, resident vehicle tax data, resident land tax data, and others data in database.
•Develop online mailing system using Laravel framework, HTML, CSS and SQL database.
•Assist government officials to create publication about social and demographic data.

Tools :
Microsoft Excel, SQL, HTML, CSS, Microsoft Word

July 2018 - February 2021
Lecturer Assistant, Research Assistant
University of Jember Department of Computer Science, Jember Indonesia

•Assist lecturer to teach undergraduate about application development process.
•Create weekly learning materials about application development.
•Assist lecturer to conduct research about online market in remote village, Situbondo-East Java.
•Develop website learning management system for undergraduates with team.


2017 - 2021
University of Jember, Jember, Indonesia
Bachelor of Computer Science
GPA 3.62/4.0
Work with team to develop web-based health center, web-based farmer crowdfunding, web-based tourism blog for school project using HTML, CSS, Laravel, SQL Database. Work with team to develop farmer management system using java.
Completed thesis : Sentiment Analysis using Support Vector Machine Algorithm.